Circulating Supply
HACHI has a total supply of 100M tokens. There are no burns or locked liquidity. Currently the top 4 holders of HACHI are:
The fact that the DAO holds 82.5M HACHI does not mean they are not in circulation. Most of the tokens are withheld from the public, and in control of the DAO, secure within our SAFE multisig treasury. The Community Claim allocation of 10M HACHI is vested in 3 parts and the Team / Leadership stream on Sablier Finance is a slow release over 1 year.
Is the liquidity locked? No! The liquidity position on Uniswap V3 for HACHI is represented in an NFT that is now in the multisig treasury of the Akita DAO. The DAO vault is a multisig wallet with 9 signers, and currently 4 are required to approve any transactions. As custodians of the majority of its governance token, locking liquidity is not necessary. Why is this? Locking liquidity was often used as a marketing gimmick in "pump and dump" token launches, making the community feel it was safer. This didn't prevent teams from off all their tokens and effectively rug-pulling the investors. Adaptability If all liquidity is locked, and a major security or operational reason requires moving the liquidity, then we would be screwed!
180-day Community Claim Timeline
Vesting / Unlock Schedule
First claim:
48hrs from trading availability (roughly Jan-26-2023 04:30 AM GMT) This was originally scheduled for January 13 at 22:00 GMT, 30 days after the HACHI token launched on Ethereum network. With more liquidity at launch, the community was able to claim after 2 days, instead of 30 days. See claiming allocation tiers here. Second claim: February 12 at 22:00 GMT Third claim: March 14 at 22:00 GMT All Community tokens must be claimed by June 12 at 22:00 GMT, otherwise they will be reclaimed by the Akita DAO
Last updated